But the greatest advantage is that you can use it on 2G As well as 3G.
First Of All Download Your-Freedom Client
click here
Then Register A Your Freedom Account
Register Here
Now Install Your-Freedom On Your PC/Laptop.
After Installing Connect Your PC To Airtel Internet with the below
settings AccessPoint:airtelgprs.com
Now Open Your-Freedom.It will start the wizard and it searches for
available servers.
Cancel that process.
Now click on Configure
Now,Go To Server Selection, In Address Type or
or any free site and
Connection Type:
♦Now Navigate To The Account Settings Tab And Enter Your-Freedom Account Details.
♦Now Navigate To The Proxy Settings Tab And There Enter as Follows:-
ems02.your-freedom.de and Put Proxy Port As 80
ems04.your-freedom.de and Put Proxy Port As 80
ems05.your-freedom.de and Put Proxy Port As 80
ems07.your-freedom.de and Put Proxy Port As 80
ems10.your-freedom.de and Put Proxy Port As 80
Click On Save And Exit
Click On Start Connection.
You will get connected.
Now click on ports tab and tick webproxy and socks 4/5.
Now put Firefox and idm On Proxy local host and put port as 8080
Or if you are using an Instant Messenger like Nimbuzz use
and put the port as 1080.Balance should be less thaN 30 paisa.
i am unable to use it isn't connecting..pls help if you used it